Thursday, 7 January 2010

peanuts vs. almonds

Hi Everyone [and welcome new readers!]-

It officially snowed in St. Louis last night. And when I say snow, I mean more than 1” [because that usually gets everyone all riled up around here]. No snow day, though…SLU is too hardcore for that business.


After I posted about roasting almonds, Matt asked if they were nutritionally superior to peanuts. After doing a little research, here’s what I came up with:

 arial 16 point

sources: almonds, peanuts, nutrition facts

:: takeaway points ::

  • both types of nuts offer nutritional benefits and have very similar macronutrient profiles
  • although sources I looked at linked both almonds and peanuts to food allergies, I think peanut allergies are more common
  • almond butter vs peanut butter: consider added sugars & oils
  • there is some concern that peanut butter contains levels of aflatoxin, which is linked to cancer, and I’m doing some more research to find out specifically about levels
  • also, I’ve read some conflicting information about the best temperature and time for roasting nuts to prevent oxidation and free radical formation…more info to come

Do you tend to choose almonds/almond butter or peanuts/peanut butter?

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for guru salve {especially all of you athletes; it will be your best friend} before Saturday, January 9th at midnight [CST].