Sunday, 26 February 2012

news flash: Florida has great produce

Florida is a great place to be a nutritarian!  Okay, that's not a shock.  Here's the real shocker of the day:  Florida has great mountain bike trails!    The great produce is just fabulous.    Yesterday I scored a nice tangerine and grapefruit and a yummy cabbage from a fruit stand, and used that in today's salad.  Today we hit the Whole Foods in Sarasota.  I have some friends who have complaints about Whole Foods, but one thing in its favor is that the CEO is a follower of Drs. Fuhrman, Esselstyn, McDougall, and Campbell.  You can get nutritarian food from the hot food bar as well as salad bar!   Today I scored yummy local food:  salad, kale, strawberries, tomatoes and a few items from far away places.  Here is the salad I put together for tomorrow:

large, fresh, local red lettuce:

Here's the lettuce cut up and put in three bowls (8 cup bowls!).  a giant bunch of kale is next (half for tomorrow, half the next day):

I like to add in my seed mixture to the lettuce and stir it around.  Tomorrow when I add the vinegar, it will get soaked by the seed mixture and won't all sink to the bottom"

okay, now the kale is on top of that:

local tomatoes, yum!

okay, this probably doesn't go at all with tomatoes but I don't care.  I can eat the tomatoes first.  This is fresh local strawberries, plus some blueberries and raspberries from far away.  Most of the blueberries and raspberries are in a separate bowl for travel companion:

add in a can of chickpeas:

tomorrow I'll add vinegar to the salads.

ps.  I'm working on my self-esteem!