Thursday, 28 April 2011
Tomorrow's food
Here's what in them:
1 head romaine lettuce, 221 g, 38 calories
spinach, 121 g, 28 calories
kale, 71 g, 36 calories
cauliflower, 232 g, 58 calories
broccoli, 184 g, 63 calories
mushrooms, 205 g, 45 calories
1 medium red bell pepper, 128 g, 40 calories
purple cabbage, 223 g, 69 calories
1 apple, 178 g, 93 calories
1 banana, 114 g, 101 calories
4 Tbsp flavored vinegar, 60 g (normally I'd have 3 but I miscounted), 32 calories
1 can chickpeas, 360 g, 428 calories
1 oz seed mixture, 28.5 g, 159 calories
Total calories is 1158, total protein 55 g (14%), total fat 22g (17%), carbs 219 g (69%). I'll also eat a bunch of raw carrots, and maybe some fruit after we go to the grocery store.
The breakdown shows that 377 calories came from veggies (33%), 194 calories came from fruit (17%), and 587 calories from beans and seeds (50%). Normally I eat fewer beans and more fruit. Most of the fat comes from the chickpeas and seed mixture (17 g). Most of the protein comes from the chickpeas (17 g) and mushrooms (6 g) and seed mixture (6 g). Next is broccoli (5 g), cauliflower (4 g), cabbage (3 g), spinach (3 g), lettuce (2 g), kale (2 g), and peppers (1 g). Of course, the protein per calorie is highest in the veggies, with mushrooms the winner. By weight, the veggies total 1385 g or 3.05 lbs, and the fruit totals 292 g or 0.64 lb. Normally I have 1-2 lbs fruit. I'll get more tomorrow at the store.
Time to prepare the food: 1.5 hours. On the other hand, we didn't spend time in restaurants. I ate the meals in the car. We had a lot of distance to cover. Cost: probably as much as a restaurant. But the quality is way higher.
Monday, 25 April 2011
easter and such
Well, hello blog friends.
I have been super busy with work and finding time to sleep but had a fantastic weekend with the fam in West Michigan.
Brother with the infamous Easter banner…it is 60 billion times brighter than this photo shows, but I styled it vintage-y so you wouldn’t be blinded.
Parker House rolls [recipe here]. I used half whole wheat flour and mixed the dough on Saturday and refrigerated it overnight. On Sunday, I let the dough warm up and rise and then baked the rolls. Super easy.
I am not a fan of traditional Easter food in general. In fact, I thought spinach lasagna would be a pretty fantastic meal of choice. Unfortunately, I was outvoted, and everyone else ate ham.
Post lunch tag to work up an appetite for dessert. This was mostly a game for the little kids, but the big kids had fun, too. :)
Apple pie (and pecan pie) + ice cream = awesome and made up for the lack of lasagna.
Easter bunnies found in the backyard…since this photo was taken, one of them met his unfortunate end with a giant crow. It was sad…my dad referenced Lion King and called it “the circle of life.” So does that mean I can go smash the crow with a shovel? (joking, only joking…sort of).
Dog who wanted Easter pie but did not get any. Don’t feel bad for her; she got an Easter roll and some Easter ham.
If you celebrate Easter, what kind of food did you eat? Do you ever feel like eating non-traditional food for a holiday? I’m all about breaking the mold..
Radical eating
If you are new to this blog and wondering why I say what you eat determines your health, please see the "highlighted posts" at the right side of the page; in particular, the FAQs, and how my health has improved. Some of the others describe how to do it (e.g., here, and here and here and here), but you should adopt the eating to your lifestyle, as did I.
My 6-week plan
1) I monitored my calories (using CRON-o-meter). Not only does it help me to eat enough calories, it also shows me the foods to limit. It teaches me that nuts and seeds are a condiment, not to be eaten in large quantities. And it shows me that I can eat a lot more of some of my favorite foods like sugar snap peas, yum! It also helped me proportion my food during the day so I wouldn't go too hungry before exercise. As time went on, I saw my appetite correspond with my calorie intake, so I was getting in touch with my body's true hunger signals. Now i don't feel like I need to monitor my calories.
2) I ate rather enormous amounts of raw veggies during the week (Dr. Fuhrman recommends ~1 lb raw and ~1 lb cooked a day, and I eat at least 3 lbs of raw veggies per weekday). Every weeknight when I get home I prepare tomorrow’s meals, which consist of confetti salads, which I divide into 2 meals. The third meal might be manna bread or sweet corn, bean soup and raw carrots and sugar snap peas. I make big batches of bean soup on the weekend and freeze it in 1-cup servings for the week. The salads taste great, and take a long time to eat and I enjoy that.
Here is what motivated me:
A friend of mine likes to get streaks going to motivate her to exercise. For example, she has a daily walking streak going that started in February. I asked, how do you deal with breaking the streak? I mean, if you end the streak, do you lose your motivation? I’m worried if you applied that to dieting, you could set up that binge routine where if you go off plan, you say, okay I’ll start my diet tomorrow and go crazy today. She said she has a little flexibility: If she misses a day, she can make it up by walking twice in 1 day within 5 days, and she can bank days for later by walking twice in one day. That factors in real life. So I came up with these rules for myself to be in the healthy-eating streak:
1. Allowed: unlimited veggies, 1-2 lbs fruit, beans(1-2 cups/day), whole grains (1 serving/day), nuts & seeds (max 2 oz/day), very limited dried food on occasion (max 2 oz).
2. Not allowed, mostly (see item 9 below): Animal products, refined grains, processed sugars, oils, salt, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate (the caffeine bothers me, unfortunately!).
3. Eat lots of GOMBS: greens, onions, mushrooms, beans/berries, seeds.
4. No Overeating.
5. Limit snacking
6. Limit tea (herbal)
7. Max calories per day: 2000. That's way more than enough for me, but allows for an occasional splurge. Typical calories should be at or below 1500 for me to maintain.
8. Try to eat while sitting down most of the time. Try not to eat during food prep most of the time.
9. To stay on streak, no more than 500 calories of "unhealthy" food allowed in the last 7 days. This is not expected to be used every 7 days! Just on special occasions.
My streak is now 43 days and counting. The only unhealthy food I ate was a spoon of a nut-apple mixture that contained honey--I didn’t know it until later, or I wouldn’t have eaten it (it was supposed to be made with figs). Overall I was more strict than my own guidelines because I was doing the 6-week plan, so limited to 1 oz seeds per day and 1 cup beans and no dried fruit until the last night (1 small fig).
Here are some of my observations:
1. I feel great. I’ve felt great for about 3 weeks now. I’ve been happier and more alert than I have been for months. I need less sleep.
2. Prior to this, when I overate on Fuhrman allowed foods, especially fruit and nuts, I felt crummy. And they led to food cravings, including SAD (Standard American Diet, i.e., junk food). Conclusion, overeating on even Fuhrman-allowed foods is not healthy, especially fruits, dates, and nuts. For me, Dr. Fuhrman desserts need to be carefully portioned. But I welcome them occasionally!
3. The 6-week plan does a great job resetting your taste preferences. Dr. Fuhrman and others are right: this is enough time to change your habits and preferences. It really does work to do this as close to 100% as you can for a period of time. I’d say it was at around the 30 day mark when the habits and preferences were established. I have no desire for SAD treats that I was craving a few months ago. Now I’m wondering why I was craving them, why would you want that? In other words, now it’s not hard to stay on plan, it’s a preference. I don’t want to spoil my taste buds with too intense sweet because I really enjoy the subtle flavors I taste in vegetables now.
4. My weekly treat was a portion of the smoothies I make for housemate. Other than that, I don’t eat smoothies. They are a bit too sweet, go down too fast, and leave me wanting more. I prefer my more leisurely eaten chopped salads. They are finely enough chopped that I think I am absorbing plenty of nutrients from them.
5. My average calorie intake over the 6 week period was 1370. It increased a bit over the 6 week period as my activity levels increased. I suspect that 1400-1500 is a good maintenance value for me when exercising regularly. My calorie intake varied with activity levels. This shows I was in touch with true hunger. Also of interest to me was my average protein intake of 58 g per day. That’s about 1 g/kg of body weight for me, sufficient for an endurance athlete but not a strength athlete, according to Dr. Fuhrman’s newsletter #42 (Fueling the vegan athlete). That’s good enough for me because I’m not an athlete, just a person who likes to exercise.
6. My weight dropped a little. I am already thin, though I gained a few lbs after I broke my elbow in January, because my activity levels were low and I wasn’t paying attention to true hunger. I weigh a few lbs more than I did 6 months ago but I think I prefer this weight. It feels right. I am 5’9”, weigh 121. Now I know what you are thinking--you are too thin! No, I actually saw Dr. Fuhrman last summer and he said I was fine. I just naturally do not make a lot of muscle mass which is why I'm not a great athlete, darn it.
7. I need goals and motivation. I posted recently about the excellent books I've been reading on positive psychology and meditation. Sarah Taylor said at last year’s Health Getaway: motivation is a daily practice. I lost my motivation for a while both as a nute and in my work. Fortunately I have both back now, and realize I need to actively work on my motivation. Right now, the streak is a fun game for me.
8. I listen to audiotapes while preparing food (lately on books mentioned above). This is very enjoyable and it also helps me not to eat during food prep because it’s harder to hear the audio when I’m crunching on a carrot.
9. I learned what exercise I really like to do. This was an accidental discovery during my arm rehab. My pre-broken elbow workouts were intense exercise classes that I think wore me out too much. Now I do a gentle and relaxing stretching and dumbbell weight routine in the morning (1 hour), ride my bike to work (1 hour), and do swimming or yoga in the evening (1 hour). I’ve realized that I love these forms of exercise and will give up other things to include this in my daily routine. I might try to add running into the mix. In the summer, weekends will be more biking and kayaking.
So yesterday started my new 6 weeks. What should my goal be this time? I think I will try to get in touch more with hunger and fullness. My secondary goals can be to try to eat mindfully, eat while sitting down and not eating while preparing food—most of the time, (let's go with 51%, heh).
Monday, 18 April 2011
So the symphony and Eighth Blackbird were amazing. I loved Jennifer Higdon’s modern piece using bowed piano, meaning the musicians actually used violin strings to play the strings of the piano. Pretty cool stuff and definitely outside the normal realm of classical music.
Our theatre is gorgeous and not used nearly enough. My fave seat is in the back balcony because the acoustics are almost perfect up there. Nerdy, but music makes me incredibly happy.
When I lived in St. Louis, zucchini was my fave purchase at the farmers’ market every weekend. So versatile (I actually like it raw sometimes) and useful in all sorts of recipes.
I was flipping through my folder of bookmarks marked “recipes to try” and decided that zucchini quinoa lasagna would be an exciting culinary adventure.
It was super easy to make…and now my freezer is stuffed full with leftovers (I did use daiya vegan cheese but omitted the tofutti sour cream).
I ran 6.5 miles yesterday in the sun and thought that winter was finally over (my new Brooks are awesome btdubs, like running on marshmallows)…
Until I woke up to this. Uggh. Seriously? I mean, I guess I should have expected it because I do live in Michigan (it has snowed here in May before) but still disappointing.
Umm, so I definitely did not bring anything snow-related back with me, like a winter coat or boots. This could be interesting…
Happy Monday?
*good luck to all running Boston today!
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Financial considerations
This is a little bit tongue in cheek, but I do think the financial consequences of eating a truly healthy diet are truly liberating.
you know you’re in hipsterville when…
There are more coffee shops than car dealerships.
You share the road with a cyclist 95% of the time.
There are restaurants like the Owlery (nod to Harry Potter), an all vegetarian eatery filled with kitschy owl decor.
Your sister and friends aren’t at all intimidated by eating a completely vegetarian meal. And they actually enjoy it.
Your waiter thinks veggie sandwiches are awesome (almost as awesome as his man-pris).
Drinking bacteria is perfectly normal.
I can’t believe it’s almost the weekend again…this week has been pretty crazy so far. I visited my sister in Bloomington, IN last weekend, and it was fantastic. I enjoyed hanging out with all of the artsy writers, dancing to bad music, running outside, and sitting in the park after sunset eating ice cream with the twin while chatting about life (obviously we are ridiculous…see photo below for reference). I may have eaten ice cream twice in one day. But it was 80 degrees, so cut me some slack.
Back home this weekend to hear On a Wire, a piece by Jennifer Higdon co-commissioned by the West Michigan Symphony. I played a couple of her pieces for wind symphony at Ohio State, and she writes pretty amazing stuff. I also love her philosophy about music…that it is best when shared with others.
Happy Weekend!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
good blogs
The Vegan Next Door, by Sarah Taylor, who is a motivational speaker. She was master of ceremonies at Dr. Fuhrman's Getaway last year. She also wrote a book, Vegan in 30 Days. I like all of her posts, but her most recent resonates with me. I had a rough year last year (for no good reason--I was struggling to be happy) and it showed in my overeating. It is good to ask yourself what is really bothering you when you want to overeat. She has another interesting post about motivation. She says one of the best ways to motivate yourself is to "find something that has extreme leverage (or priority) over your current habits." So for example, learning about how animals are turned into food turned her into a vegan immediately, as it did me. I do not use willpower or self-control to keep me on the path of healthy eating--that is too hard! I may go to extremes to modify my environment to make it easy to eat healthy (see yesterday's post!), but that's easier than using willpower and self-control. A couple of other posts I enjoyed reading were Vicki's secret to weight loss, and What's your number?
Vegan hearts fruit, by Jasmin. She is a young healthy eater. They are so rare, I wanted to give her a shoutout. Kudos to you for taking control of your health before it takes control of you. Jasmine is a student living in Vienna. She seems to like fruit a lot. Me too!
Monday, 11 April 2011
tomorrow's food

That's (from bottom left going up and around) mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, romaine lettuce, seed mixture, strawberries, onion, orange, sugar snap peas (really good), cabbage and carrots.
The salad's are prepared in a jiffy:

I'll eat one before I go, and pour vinegar on the others in the morning. For show and tell, I packed them in their bags,

and into the carry-on bag:

But for now they are back in the fridge until tomorrow.
I calculated this is 1100 calories, which is usually not enough for me, but today I had 1300 and was overfull. I'll eat something when I get home if I'm still hungry.
Think I'm crazy? You know, after seeing many of my colleagues on this trip that I've known for years and seeing their health problems, I don't care. I am so happy eating this delicious food, and having my health.
The best food on this trip were the strawberries and sugar snap peas, so I had them every day. It's really hard to beat that at any restaurant.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Positive Psychology, happiness, and motivation
Why am I posting about this here? Because I think there's a lot in the books that can help a person be motivated to eat healthy. Dr. Fuhrman teaches us what to do, but it goes so much again the grain of our society, that it ends up being very hard for most people who try this. I think these books really help. Instead of feeling different and embarrassed about my food choices in public situations, I'm learning to feel proud of my choices and accomplishments. Here's a list of some of the books I've read so far, listed in order of my favorites (but it totally depends on your own geekiness and other personality traits which you would like most, and I like them all): The Happiness Hypothesis, Flow, Authentic Happiness, The Happiness Advantage, and Positivity. I'm listening to The Joy of Living right now.
Another book that is more directly related to eating healthy is the Beck Diet Solution. It uses Cognitive Therapy to make you "think like a thin person". I translate that to "think like a healthy person." You learn to change your habits through training and replacing "sabotaging thoughts" with "helpful responses." An author I recently discovered who I think I like even better is Linda Spangle. She wrote "100 days of Weight Loss" and "Life is Hard, Food is Easy: The 5-step plan to overcome emotional eating and lose weight on any diet." She offers a free 100-day workbook on her website.
Finally, another book directly related to eating healthy is The Pleasure Trap. This is an excellent book about the physiology and psychology of eating healthy vs unhealthy foods; it discusses the difference between happiness and pleasure. I've posted about it before here.
looks yummy
Friday, 8 April 2011
Dead Fat

Wednesday, 6 April 2011
the sourdough adventure
This is where the culinary magic happens, people. Or rather the culinary DISASTER that was making sourdough starter.
Exhibit A: tried and true sourdough recipe that my mom uses week after week (originally from Amy Dacyczyn of the Tightwad Gazette).
Exhibit B: sourdough starter looking like sourdough starter should.
Exhibit C: sourdough starter freaking out completely. This happened x 2. I’m not sure why because I actually measured and followed the directions this time. Maybe because my apartment is abnormally warm? You might try using a little less than 1 T of yeast…
A starter is an easy way to have fresh bread at your fingertips without a lot of waiting around. Just mix up the bread (you only have to make the starter once) before going to bed and bake the next day after a short proof time.
sourdough bread starter
Combine in a glass jar:
- 1 T yeast
- 2 cups of chlorine-free water (let a pitcher of water sit out overnight, and the chlorine will evaporate)
- 2 cups of flour (I used 1/2 whole wheat)
Cover loosely with plastic wrap and allow to sit for at least 48 hrs at room temperature, until it foams and develops a sour smell (for the record, my starter began erupting after 8-9 hrs, so watch it!). Place in refrigerator. Every time you use the starter, replace 1.5 cups of water and 1.5 cups of flour and return to the fridge.
sourdough bread [2 loaves]
- 5 1/2 cups flour
- 2 cups starter
- 1 T salt
- 1 cup water
Dissolve salt in a mixing bowl (non-metal). Add starter and flour and knead into a ball. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise overnight. In the morning, punch down and shape into 2 loaves. Cover with damp cloth and let rise for 4 hrs. Place a pan of water on the bottom rack of the oven, and preheat to 400 degrees. Bake for 35 minutes.
[Read about the benefits of sourdough bread in a previous post].
Fresh sourdough bread is awesome with black bean hummus.
black bean hummus [adapted from Dreena Burton’s recipe]
- 2 cups rinsed black beans
- 1 small clementine
- 2 1/2 Tbsp almond butter or peanut butter
- 2 large cloves garlic
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 3 Tbsp red wine vinegar
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley
- salt and pepper, to taste
Mix all ingredients together via food processor and enjoy.
Have you ever made sourdough bread or used a starter before? This has been quite the adventure, but it is homemade and non- processed, and that makes it worth it to me.
Monday, 4 April 2011
why april is better than march [so far]…
1) 45 degree weather and new running shoes (long overdue). My ?? pair of Brooks Adrenalines. Love them.
2) Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market. I rode the bikeski to the market this weekend for organic fair trade coffee from Roos Roast. Sorry for the candids, Ann Arborite strangers.
3) Sleeping at Last’s April EP (they release 3 songs per month as a part of their Yearbook project). Especially fantastic and timely songs this month. Love falling asleep to their thoughtful lyrics on repeat.
4) New recipes. This Moroccan quinoa and pistachio salad brings a whole new meaning to pesto. My good friend Dave (with his ever expanding culinary skills) made this for me a couple of weeks ago, and it was pretty amazing. The recipe calls for orange juice, but I blended an entire orange (minus the peel) in my food processor instead. Quinoa is also one of my fave vegetarian sources of protein.
I recently read this article in the NY Times about quinoa [keen-wah]. As ethical eating is a continual process for me, I realized that I know absolutely nothing about where the quinoa I buy is grown.
According to the article, Bolivia is one of the chief producers of this complete protein-containing pseudo-grain, and it’s ironic that as the demand for quinoa increases, few fewer Bolivians can now afford it, hastening their embrace of cheaper, processed foods and raising fears of malnutrition in a country that has long struggled with it.
It’s also fair to note that some of the decrease in buying quinoa there may be due to food preferences vs. economics. Processed food is attractive for many, just as it is in the US.
So what, then is our response to this problem? Buying quinoa from Bolivia certainly aids their economy, and the government is trying to beef up domestic aid, but it still remains to be seen just how much of an impact this will have on malnutrition. I wish the article had talked more about the kind of wages Bolivians make in return for growing the crop.
Hope April has started out well for all of you, too. :)
Friday, 1 April 2011
I love buying spices at my hometown health store. They seem fresher, and they’re usually less expensive than buying an entire jar. Plus, I’m nerdy, and I like making my own labels.
Snobby joes are one of my favorite make-ahead meals. If you don’t like super spicy food, don’t add 3 tablespoons of chili powder like I did. It may cause crying.
Lentils are the base of this dish, and they’re pretty amazing, especially if you’re trying to find sources of vegetarian protein:
- in the legume family
- 18 grams of protein per cup (cooked)
- 16 grams of fiber
- excellent source of folate
- good source of iron, phosphorus, thiamin, and potassium
Although they probably would be better paired with naan, I tried a new recipe for honey whole wheat rolls that turned out pretty well. And yes, you have to use yeast.
It should be noted that snobby joes taste much better after being refrigerated overnight. Something magical happens to the flavors. Seriously.
Anyone else have a good lentil recipe? Leave a comment if you do!
I’m going to make a sourdough starter soon, and I’m really excited about this. It makes yeast bread baking a cinch. Tutorial to follow…
Happy Friday (and April)!