Well, hello blog friends.
I have been super busy with work and finding time to sleep but had a fantastic weekend with the fam in West Michigan.
Brother with the infamous Easter banner…it is 60 billion times brighter than this photo shows, but I styled it vintage-y so you wouldn’t be blinded.
Parker House rolls [recipe here]. I used half whole wheat flour and mixed the dough on Saturday and refrigerated it overnight. On Sunday, I let the dough warm up and rise and then baked the rolls. Super easy.
I am not a fan of traditional Easter food in general. In fact, I thought spinach lasagna would be a pretty fantastic meal of choice. Unfortunately, I was outvoted, and everyone else ate ham.
Post lunch tag to work up an appetite for dessert. This was mostly a game for the little kids, but the big kids had fun, too. :)
Apple pie (and pecan pie) + ice cream = awesome and made up for the lack of lasagna.
Easter bunnies found in the backyard…since this photo was taken, one of them met his unfortunate end with a giant crow. It was sad…my dad referenced Lion King and called it “the circle of life.” So does that mean I can go smash the crow with a shovel? (joking, only joking…sort of).
Dog who wanted Easter pie but did not get any. Don’t feel bad for her; she got an Easter roll and some Easter ham.
If you celebrate Easter, what kind of food did you eat? Do you ever feel like eating non-traditional food for a holiday? I’m all about breaking the mold..