Tuesday, 25 October 2011

apple addiction

So my kitchen sink is still incredibly full of dirty dishes.

If that’s not a sign of a happy weekend of cooking, I’m not sure what is. There were chocolate chip pancakes, goat cheese and spinach quesadillas, and creamy carrot soup…for starters.

And while my last trip to the apple orchard was slightly unsuccessful [in terms of picking apples], this trip to Robinette’s was pretty awesome.


Of course, when my partner in crime and I picked the bag that was supposed to hold 20 apples, our first priority was to make sure we got at least 30 in the bag (31 for the win, thankyouverymuch).


So many delicious things to do with apples, but classic apple pie just seemed fitting. Needless to say, this recipe provides quite the sugar high.


Sunday morning post church ritual has become coffee and/or breakfast at a local diner. Usually I have eaten breakfast by this time, so anything I choose to eat I label “second breakfast.”  This puzzles my friends…and then they tease me for eating cinnamon rolls or chocolate chip pancakes because they know I’m a dietitian. As if I eat salads for breakfast or something. Puh-lease.


I also drank some powerful coffee (why is hole-in-the-wall-diner coffee 60 billion times stronger than regular coffee?!) that turned my 3.5 mile run into a 6.5 mile run. It’s officially fall running season.


btdubs:: i need apple recipes because i still have apples galore in my fridge. i want your best strudels, salads, etc. give me the tops, friends. what’s your fave way to use apples?