Only 2 more days of the challenge?! Let's see, we started on a Thursday, so it will end on Wednesday! Well, you can start sending me your progress report whenever you are ready. Send it to me at Let me know if it's okay to post it. I think people will enjoy hearing how others did. It's especially helpful to learn how you solve your problems, and how you learn from your mistakes.
I started my challenge a week early so I suppose I could say I finished it on Friday. I suppose that's a good thing because I unexpectedly stumbled on Saturday, with my desire to eat my guests' food. For 6 weeks, I behaved quite well except for a couple of days on my vacation when I overate nuts and fruit, and then on last Thursday when I did the same. But on Saturday, I wanted to eat everything they ate, just because they were eating it, even though I didn't like the taste. Can someone explain that one to me? I stumbled last summer with visitors too. I have visitors again today but I'm okay. I'll have to be more cautious next time.
Besides being busy with the visitors, on Sunday I did food prep, biking in the outstanding weather, and harvesting the garden. I made a nice soup from garden produce and beans, which I'll have all this week along with my salads. I harvested a bunch of greens and brussels sprouts from the garden and froze them. It was a fun day. And it was very fun with the visitors. Then today was back to work and exercise and more visitors tonight. whew. So I'd better get back to them.
Should we do a new challenge? I'm thinking monthly challenges might be easier chunks to handle--for one thing easier to count the days, and a month might seem more doable for accomplishing a goal.