So, you may have noticed that I haven't blogged for a whole month. I would love to give you some excellent reason for why I dropped off the face of the Earth, but in truth, I just didn't feel like blogging. I have been working hard, I have been having fun, I have been over-tired, I have been wasting time, having not enough time, I have been happy, I have been sad, I have felt great in my own skin and not wanted to go out because I didn't feel good enough.
But the fact is, I really missed blogging and I missed my blog friends! So, since it would be impossible and long-winded to catch you up on everything that has happened in the last month, I will just show you some select snapshots that I took. I have felt good and bad, and I have even had a couple of important breakthroughs that I will share in separate posts. Anyway, here it is, [a very small sample of] my life in pictures for July.
What better time than Marvelous Monday?
I got another lovely gift from a homeowner at one of my site inspections; fresh cherries from his tree!
I did not do this with my hands... ;)
I have been doing more sprouting at home. Somehow, food tastes better when you grow it yourself. Just like I'm sure kids must be more tolerable when you can appreciate the fact that you pushed them out of your own vagina.
This happened...
Those were my last pair of well-fitting jeans too :( That means it will be time for jeans shopping come fall, which is the most terrifying experience I can think of at the moment.
I did, however, have a major victory in the clothing department when I bought these:
Yes, those are hot pink, denim, high-waisted shorts and I bought them and they fit like a dream!
I have actually had a lot of consignment store luck lately in the form of a dress, a sweater, another pair of [fitted, non-stretchy] pants and these bangin' booties!
Another ED victory? This...
I had a lunch date with a friend and I got a killer wrap that would have been terrifying in the past. If I ever got a wrap or sandwich, it could only have one fatty/substantial topping on it. But this baby; it had chicken, it had nuts, it had sauce, and it was delicious. It was also on a non-whole wheat wrap, which would have been a sure reason not to eat it in the past. However, that day, I just enjoyed my refined carbs and moved on :)
Speaking of refined carbs...
My roommates are a little obsessed with baking...
And I'm a little obsessed with decorating (and eating) what they bake :)
Too bad a hate lemon meringue pie...
We also have a bit of a house obsession with watermelon. Though, I'm not complaining...
And, I made myself a personal pizza for dinner for the first time in a bajillion years.
Yes, it's fairly healthy pizza, but there is more cheese underneath the toppings and that carby crust was pure bliss!
In other news... Who doesn't love a good prank?
I drove past this sign one day with I was working and I couldn't resist stopping for a picture. And just in case you were wondering, I stayed the hell away from that corner on July 15...
And since I am a genius prankster too...
My roommate was lucky enough to open his window to this one day...
He was scarred for life. I'm pure evil ;)
Which is maybe why Karma bit me in the butt and did this to my car:
But luckily Karma was pretty nice to me because I ended up getting this fixed in 10 minutes, it was free of charge AND... I got a lollypop while I waited ;)
The only thing that would have made it better would be if I were relaxing with this book and a mug of tea :)
I have had plenty of interesting experiences over the past month, including an emergency first aid course where I learned how to do infant CPR on these creepy-looking robot babies.
In all seriousness, I hope I never have to give CPR to a baby.
Another new experience? I finally tried the two new Quest bars that everyone has been going apeshit over!! And yes, they are totally worthy of any apeshitery they may have caused.
And finally that brings us to this weekend, which is a long weekend in Canada. I went to my parents house for a couple of days to relax a bit.
It turns out that in the time since I last saw her, Abby as grown a lot, and she has also developed a drinking problem...
Sometimes you just need a good long weekend to catch up on some reading (aka travel planning)...
Watch a sunset or two...
And sit by a fire with the people you love...
Have a Marvelous Monday everyone!!