Here is an excerpt that I really like. It's basically a summary of how to eat healthy.
The Top 10 Super Foods :)
(In no particular order)
1) Fruits
2) Vegetables
3) Cruciferous Vegetables
4) Starchy Vegetables/Roots/Tubers
5) Intact Whole Grains
6) Beans, Peas, Lentils
7) Higher Fat Plant Foods - Nuts/Seeds/Avocado (In limited amounts)
8) A variety of foods and colors within each food/food group
9) Not over-eating.
And, last, but not least, a non food item...
10) A healthy lifestyle including fresh air, pure water, adequate sleep, rest & relaxation, emotional poise, social engagement, loving relationships, adequate activity/fitness, etc as food is only one aspect of health.