Marilyn will can the tomatoes (thank you!), I ate some of the salad today, and I stripped, washed and froze the collards and kale and basil. These will last me several months.
I got a bunch of great stuff at the farmer's market too: onions, kohlrabi, carrots, potatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, a sweet potato (last year's harvest but she said they are sweet), a melon, eggplant really good strawberries, cherries (ate them before snapping the picture), and salad greens:
Then our usual corn from the corn stand. It's at its peak now and really sweet. Lunch today was corn, sliced garden tomato, and a bunch of the vegetables from the farmer's market and garden cooked up: onion, eggplant, zucchini, green bell pepper, tomatoes, and basil. Was that ever good! I had some for dinner too, along with a salad and strawberries with a little soy yogurt. There is no greater time of the year for eating than right now!