Sunday, 22 May 2011

Traveling again

This trip is easy so far as a nutritarian.  I didn't check baggage, so this is all the eating utensils I brought:

I rented a car, brought my GPS, went to Trader Joes, got prepackaged food, went to my hotel, and put it in the nice fridge:
It should only take a few minutes to assemble my salads tomorrow.  Of course I did plan this all in advance, finding the Trader Joes, bringing the GPS, and finding a hotel with a fridge.   The fridge has a freezer so I can buy some frozen edamame tomorrow.   I was disappointed that Trader Joe's didn't have organic strawberries.  They are grown right here in California!  I guess I'll have to wait until I get back to Wisconsin to have some.  How silly is that?  Oh well, I got some watermelon and organic blackberries which will be yummy.