Thursday, 22 November 2012

Celebrate Good Times

I'm back :)

I needed a day off from blogging. Since I started this blog, I have been completed addicted to it! I love blogging, connecting to this community and having a project like this. I feel like it has improved my mood and my attitude towards my health too, which is a pretty lofty achievement in such a short time period. Right now, I'm coming into exams and my school schedule is CRAZY. I'm absolutely going to keep blogging pretty regularly, but if I take a day off here and there, I'm probably hitting the books ;)


Anyway, even though I'm super busy, I think it's important for me, more so than ever to relax, socialize, get involved in things I care about and celebrate things worth celebrating. EDs tend to make people want to isolate themselves, and while I have always been outgoing and social, I can't say that my ED has never stopped me from having a good time.

To start off, we had a charity tractor pull on campus yesterday. Yeah, my university is known for agriculture (we're often referred to as "Moo U") and every year, they hold the Tractor Tug for Tots, which supports a local children's charity. Since I am on the student executive for my program, we put together a team to do some pulls.... Aaanndd, we dressed up as soil horizons (any enviro nerds out there?).

It was great :) We won one of our pulls and lost one, but it's the principle of the thing that counts.

This is just one more reason why I am thankful to be stronger now.

Last night was also the end-of-semester bash that the Environmental Sciences Student Executive throws every semester. It was at our campus pub and there was free food, prizes and drinks-a-flowing. I love the people in my program, so hanging out with them for a night of pure EnviroSci shenanigans is one of my favourite times of the semester. (Warning: terrible iPhone photos to follow)

There was lots of free pizza...

They even had a vegan one, which was great for my dairy-avoiding self :) Also, it was another item that I got to check off of my Food Challenge list!!

There were numerous drinks to be had...

Our President even got up there and led a trivia contest with environmental science-themed questions!

And need I mention the plethora of heinous mustaches? (No photos, you're welcome :-P)

Long story short, even though I'm incredibly busy right now, participating in this kind of thing is essential for my sanity. Being social and going out with friends is just one piece of the puzzle to achieve balance in my life. Eating healthily, working out, doing well in school and getting involved on campus are all things that make me happy and give me a feeling of accomplishment, but now and then, I gotta live a little!!

Now, off to my 8:30am class...

What are some fun things you do to balance out hard work?

Any fun charity events you have participated in lately?