Day 22 of my "diet." Here are my food log, weight, exercise, and thoughts.
pre-exercise snack, 7:30 am. 0.15 serving of housemate's smoothie.
breakfast, 10 am, 1 lb strawberries and homemade soy yogurt.
lunch, about noon: fried up (dry) some onions and mushrooms, then steam fried (water) with a bunch of asparagus and frozen sweet corn (about 1/2 cup). added 1/3 cup beans, a salt-free seasoning (sunny paris from penny's) and cinnamon. I added the corn at the last minute because I thought I might need more food to tide me over until dinner. little did I know there would be...
snack at 2 pm: a plate of fruit at a work event. that's okay, but then...
snack at 4 pm: after the work event, standing around talking by the snack food, I kept eating the grapes. Grapes are a bit irresistible to me. then there were the...
snack at 7 pm: mulberries on the bike path!
dinner, 7 pm: 1 lb carrots (didn't need that after the fruit but me loves carrots), some blackberries (didn't need those), a salad made from spinach and bok choy, date vinegar and seed mixture. I also ate some orange remainders while making OJ for housemate.
Nutritional information:
Calories: about 1550; protein about 59 g, fiber 70, fat 17.
Weight: 127.6
Exercise: swim 1.1 mile, bike commute 7 miles.
- I'm surprised I didn't eat more calories with all that fruit. whew. but that's probably not going to get rid of those last two lbs so let's try to be a little bit more measured tomorrow.
- I was going to have beans with dinner but wasn't hungry enough for that after the fruit. I wanted my greens though, so ate a big salad.