Wednesday, 30 May 2012

May 30

Day 17 of my "diet."   Here's my food log, weight, exercise, and thoughts.

mini-breakfast before appointment:  about 1/5th serving of housemate's smoothie.  1/2 cup beans.

late morning snack:  carrots (1 lb), sugar snap peas (1/2 lb).

lunch, 1 pm:  baked oriental yam (the BEST sweet potato!).  1 lb strawberries and homemade soy yogurt. 

snack to get me home after evening yoga class:  6 oz blackberries.  yum

Dinner, 8:30 pm (a little later than I'd like):  big delicious salad:  fresh local salad greens, fresh local baby bok choy, cabbage, red bell pepper, 1/2 cup beans, seed mixture, and 2 Tbsp of  date vinegar, all mixed together.    I guess you could call this dessert:   some orange remainders after making housemate's OJ.   it's more of a flavorful nibble but I kind of enjoy it, kind of like nibbling on meat from bone scraps which I use to enjoy too.  

Nutritional information:
Calories: 1356; protein 56 g; fiber 80 g.

Weight:  126.6

Exercise:  evening yoga class.  bike commute 14 miles.

  • "wing-it" Wednesday worked well!  All I prepped the night before was baking the oriental yam.   To work I brought along a jar of soy yogurt, a bowl, spoon and knife (for prepping the strawberries).  I stopped at the grocery store on my way in and got strawberries, carrots and sugar snap peas.  I ate lunch with a friend in the cafeteria.  I followed Shanna's advice on one of my previous posts, and got some salad greens from a bag, so no chopping of that (did chop the bok choy and cabbage).  Dinner prep took all of 15 minutes!  yes!   good thing 'cause I got home late.
  • dinner salad was really good.  I usually only use 1 Tbsp of  date vinegar but as a treat had 2 today.  yum yum.  The bell pepper was tasteless though.  They came from far away (Holland) and have a big carbon footprint since they are airlifted, so I won't feel pain avoiding them for a while.
  • I don't like exercising at night as much as the morning.  I was tired, late, and didn't get in my meditation/flute playing.  I decided I want to go to bed and read, instead of staying up late doing everything on my list.  next time I'll skip the evening yoga if I can't make the morning class.
  • this was lower calories than usual.  I was more hungry during the day than I'd like, but dinner was so late I don't feel hungry now.