I thought it would be appropriate, given that it is Marvelous Monday, to reflect on some of the marvelous things that have happened in the past year and look forward to all the marvelous things that could happen for me in the coming year.
This post will be fairly short, as I am currently drowning in [not so marvelous] class readings.
In the past year I...
Spent a glorious semester studying in India and traveling across the country...
I can hardly believe that 1 year ago today, I was staying on an organic rainforest plantation in the Western Ghats of south India...
My semester in India was followed by more traveling in northern Thailand...
And a fabulous month hopping around to 7 different European countries, visiting friends and seeing the sights...
I got some great job experience in the summer, working on a research project with honey bees...
It was not my favourite job of all time... Just a tip, if you have never been stung by a bee, don't sign on to work with them all summer if you don't know how you will react to stings.
One of the most important things I did in the last year was decide once and for all that I was sick of living with an ED and being weak, hungry, tired and obsessive.
I finally opened up to friends and family, went to see a counsellor and a dietician and started this blog :)
I ate all kinds of things I never would have dreamed of eating without guilt.
I still have a long way to go, but I am proud of the progress I have made and look forward to this coming year being even better than the last (minus the 5 months of travel, which I will miss deeply).
This year I look forward to meeting more new friends. In fact, if all goes as planned, I will be meeting one of my favourite blends in just a couple of weeks!
I look forward to stepping out of my comfort zone in many different ways...
I look forward to enjoying food, drinks and company without guilt or anxiety...
I look forward to living in a new city for the summer (I haven't been hired anywhere yet, but it looks as though no matter what job I get I will have to move). Change is good!
Who knows what else this year will have in store for me, I can't wait to find out :)