Saturday, 12 January 2013

Training Dilemma

Happy Weekend Everyone,

I have never had Fridays off before, so it is going to take some adjustment. Fridays are starting to feel like Saturdays and Saturdays feel like Sundays. Either way, I still have lots to get done today, so I don't feel completely free.

Now that the new year has started, you have probably all seen 100 different training programs popping up all over the blog world that people are getting involved in. As much as I would really love to start a structured fitness program right now that is going to help me become stronger, I have chosen not to join in with any of the programs I have seen so far.

First of all, they all seem very structured. You do this exact workout on this day. I feel that with my tendency to obsess over things and strive for perfection, a highly structured program like that could pose a problem. I don't want to start beating myself up because I miss some of the workouts.

Also, I don't want to start a program where all of the workouts are gym-based. With my schedule, I don't feel that I have the time to make it to the gym every day. Not only that, but I find that my gym is quite crowded (especially in January), so any kind of workout plan where I need to get on one machine after the other could pose a problem. You're probably thinking that I should switch gyms, but the athletic centre at my school is less than a 15 minute walk from my house and I pay roughly $10 per month to use it. That's pretty hard to beat.

I tend to do a lot of my strength training workouts at home. I have a set of dumbbells and I find that when I go through my workouts with maximum effort, they really take it out of me. My favourite workouts are from Zuzana Light and I find them very effective, but part of me actually wants to get on a program to see if I can achieve better muscle gains with more structure.

I have been considering buying Zuzana's DVD series that she just put out. It is a 3 month program with a series of intense, at-home workouts that you can do with just bodyweight and dumbbells. She also provides diet tips to support your training but the program does not include a structured meal plan.

I think that if I were to follow some kind of program, this would be the simplest and most realistic, but I still want to be careful not to rope myself into something too rigid.

Any advice for a gal who is looking for something more structured without all the... structure? I appreciate any tips you've got!

Are you following any kind of new fitness plan this year?