4 out of 5! 4 out of 5!! I'm almost there! I just have to make it to Friday at 10:30 am and then I'll be done-zo for the semester and ready to enjoy time off for Christmas! Last night's exam went pretty well too. The midterm for that class was long and difficult and I didn't get the best mark, so I was expecting the worst for this one. Instead, most people finished after 45 minutes (of a technically a 2-hour exam) and I knew almost all of the answers! What a HUGE weight off of my chest :)
Well, it's Tuesday again, so I'm going to link into the be-a-utiful Sloane's #freEDom party.
Now, I was planning on talking about something a little deeper for this week's freEDom post. However... I just studied for 2 days and then wrote an exam, so as much as I love blogging, I didn't really feel like writing a lengthy, heartfelt post last night.
Instead, I thought I would post some ED-shaming shenanigans that I got up to with my roommates after my exam...
That's [almost] all of us. Alyssa was at work :( We have a pretty full house :P |
I love my roomies :) |
Look how pretty!
And take that ED!!
We definitely bought twice the amount of candy that actually ended up on the house. There was a lot more eating than decorating. Oops...
We didn't actually break into the house last night because it was so pretty, but we will definitely be initiating a tear-down today and I will be a part of it :) That means I will be able to cross "gingerbread cookie with icing" off of my Food Challenge list! Oh, and I guess I can to cross "Make a gingerbread house" off of my 2013 Bucket List! Hooray for meeting goals!
The point is, I had fun with roommates, I ate the damn candy and I don't feel guilty about it. A few months ago, I probably would have gotten so depressed after a few butterscotch chips and candy corns that I would have eaten everything in sight just to make myself feel better and then restricted the next day to make up for it.
I feel like I am in a much better place now. For the first time since I was about 13, I am not trying to lose weight over the holidays; I am most likely going to gain a little. However, for the first time in 8 years, I actually don't care! I know that I'm strong, healthy (or getting there!) and attractive and that an extra few pounds on my frame is not all of a sudden going to make men flee my presence in disgust.
I will NOT be taking tips from articles entitled "Stop Holiday Weight Gain in its Tracks!" or "Beat the Holiday Bulge" or "How to Desperately Fend Off Those Few Extra Pounds that you May or May Not Gain Over Christmas While Making Yourself Absolutely Miserable, Antisocial and Grumpy at the Same Time!!" I am just going to try my best to stay balanced while enjoying treats and then maybe sneak in a few extra brussels sprouts come January ;)
So, here's to #freEDom!!
What is your favourite holiday "indulgence"?
Well then... enjoy it!